Ian Powell
Ian’s entire professional career, spanning over 40 years of experience, has been in the field of educational architecture and he has been involved in the master planning, facility condition assessment, programming, design and administration of a large number of educational projects. Individual projects have spanned a diverse array of educational project types including all configurations of primary and secondary educational facilities, higher education buildings and campuses, ancillary and support facilities (administrative facilities, professional development/conference centers, technology centers, distance learning facilities), CATE and vocational curriculum centers, athletic and recreational facilities (stadia, natatoriums), etc. These educational projects have consisted of new construction, additions, renovations, and combinations of each. Ian presently serves on the boards of professional and educational associations and has made presentations on education topics regionally and nationally.
Ian proposes that vigorous advocacy for Safety and Security in Education be equally a personal mission as well as professional obligation for design professionals. In addition to serving as a Senior Principal in PBK’s Houston office, Ian leads PBK’s firmwide effort to advocate for Safety & Security Best Practices in all Educational Environments.
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Together for Tomorrow: Safety & Security