Tuscany Heights Elementary School
The design of this new elementary school follows the contours of the site, reducing excessive site work and grading.
Client: North East Independent School
Market: K12 Education
Discipline: Architecture + Interiors
Project Area: 122,815 sq. ft.

The design of this new elementary school follows the contours of the site, reducing excessive site work and grading. A complex series of terrace walls levels out more than 100-feet of vertical change across the site. The building is organized around grade-level houses with easy access to common spaces such as the library and cafetorium. Site conditions were used as a major influence on the building’s shape, and many spaces have been incorporated to offer scenic views (large outdoor areas for use by the school – teaching amphitheaters, tree filled courtyard, playgrounds, etc.). The site maximizes use of naturally-terraced areas. More than 30% of the site remained undisturbed and requires minimal maintenance.
TASA-TASB Award for Architectural Excellence: Design, Educational Appropriateness